Shop / Bike / Bike parts / Tires / Outside tires / KENDA GUMA SPOLJAŠNJA 26X1.95 (ETRTO 50-559) K849 BK KENDA



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Kenda proizvodi širok asortiman guma poznatih po izdržljivosti, pouzdanosti i vrhunskim performansama. Njihove gume su pažljivo dizajnirane za razne terene i uslove, od asfalta do off-road staza. Bilo da se koriste za bicikle, motocikle, automobile ili specijalna vozila, Kenda gume nude optimalnu trakciju, kontrolu i dugotrajnost. Inovativne tehnologije i kvalitetni materijali osiguravaju sigurnu i udobnu vožnju, bez obzira na izazove terena ili vremenske prilike.

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Kenda je globalno prepoznatljiv brend sa bogatom tradicijom u proizvodnji guma za različite namjene, uključujući bicikle, motocikle, automobile, ATV vozila, kao i industrijska i poljoprivredna vozila. Osnovana 1962. godine, Kenda se istakla kao sinonim za kvalitet, inovaciju i pouzdanost u industriji guma. Njihova misija je da pružaju vrhunski performans uz maksimalnu sigurnost i dugotrajnost. Kenda se posvećuje rigoroznim istraživanjima i razvoju novih tehnologija kako bi zadovoljila sve veće zahtjeve tržišta. Poznata je po tome što balansira pristupačnost sa visokom funkcionalnošću, pružajući proizvode koji odgovaraju različitim potrebama, bilo da je riječ o svakodnevnim korisnicima ili profesionalcima. Osim kvaliteta, Kenda teži održivosti kroz ekološki prihvatljive proizvodne procese, što je čini atraktivnom opcijom za savjesne potrošače. Sa prisustvom u preko 150 zemalja, Kenda predstavlja kombinaciju vrhunske inženjerske preciznosti i globalnog iskustva u različitim uslovima vožnje.


Payment for products on our online store can be made in one of the following ways: with payment cards – VISA, Maestro or MasterCard that support payment via the Internet. Payment by card is realized in cooperation with AllSecure doo and Hipotekarna banka Podgorica and is done in a safe and certified way through the AllSecure Paymet Gateway, by simply entering data from the payment card, as well as payment to the cash on delivery courier . After entering the card data and confirming the payment, the bank authorizes the transaction and thus the order is approved and enters the further process of preparation for delivery. The amount will be reserved on your card (account) and will not be available for other purposes. The transaction will be completed and the amount deducted from your account only when the products are prepared for transport and handed over to the Post Office or courier service.


We send the ordered goods to you by post or courier service, the delivery price is 4 (four) EUR with VAT for all orders. Delivery costs are added to the price of the product and are shown with the price of the product and during the ordering process on the website. We deliver to all cities in Montenegro.

The order delivery period is up to 6 working days, except for orders that are clearly marked in red. For those orders, the delivery time is indicated below the product information itself (typically 4-6 weeks).
All orders that are verified and accepted on Friday, Saturday, Sunday and on national and religious holidays will be delivered within a period of 4 working days, with the first working day being considered as the beginning of the deadline, unless the product is marked in red .